• iconTaraisewaniya, Airport Road, Bhopal
  • icon sjiseBhopalMP@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8 AM to 4 PM

Teaching Learning

Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, He will eat for a life time....

The skill-based learning:

The skill-based learning will focus on skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, self-learning, communication skills, using effective pedagogical practices such as inquiry and activity-based learning.

Experiential Learning:

Experiential Learning – students develop knowledge, skills and Values from direct experiences outside traditional academic setting.

1:26 Teacher Student Ratio:

Every student is unique. And at SJISE, each student is celebrated and motivated to follow his/her passions, so he can leave his/her own inimitable mark on the world.

Moral Values:

Moral Values - The children will imbibe values and positive character traits, which will make them true citizens of India and genuinely human.

Smart Class:

Technology is pervasive in its reach, which is an active part of the classroom learning environment. Its effective employment reinforces continuous professional development of future generations.