• iconTaraisewaniya, Airport Road, Bhopal
  • icon sjiseBhopalMP@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8 AM to 4 PM

General Instructions

"Welcome to St. Joseph's! To ensure a smooth, safe, and productive educational journey for our students and a supportive environment for our staff and parents, we've outlined essential general instructions and guidelines. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these important policies."


Students: "Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Absences must be justified with a written explanation from parents or guardians. Repeated unexcused absences may result in disciplinary action."

Staff: "Consistent attendance is expected. Please report any absences in advance to the department head, accompanied by a valid reason."

Dress Code:

"Our institution prides itself on its professional and respectful environment. Students and staff are required to adhere to the dress code policy, which includes wearing the school uniform or professional attire. Specific guidelines are available on our website and in the student handbook."

Code of Conduct:

"Respect, integrity, and responsibility are the pillars of our community. We expect all members of St. Joseph's to uphold these values in their actions and interactions. This includes respecting school property, maintaining a positive learning environment, and following all school policies."

Academic Integrity:

"Honesty and integrity in academic work are essential. Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are strictly prohibited and will be met with appropriate disciplinary measures."

Health and Safety:

"The health and safety of our community are paramount. Please follow all health guidelines, including vaccinations, and report any safety concerns to the administration immediately. Emergency procedures and contact information are posted throughout the campus and on our website."

Use of Technology:

"Technology is an integral part of our learning environment. Students and staff must use school-provided technology resources responsibly and ethically. Personal devices should be used by our technology policy."


"Open and respectful communication is encouraged. Students and parents should feel comfortable reaching out to teachers and administrators with questions, concerns, or feedback. Regular updates from the school will be communicated through our website, email newsletters, and parent-teacher meetings."

"Adhering to these general instructions helps maintain a respectful, safe, and conducive learning environment at St. Joseph's. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to upholding these standards. Together, we can ensure a rewarding experience for everyone in our community."

"Have questions or need further clarification on our general instructions? Please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to ensure your experience at St. Joseph's is positive and fulfilling."