• iconTaraisewaniya, Airport Road, Bhopal
  • icon sjiseBhopalMP@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8 AM to 4 PM

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar in Our School outlines the schedule of activities, events, holidays, and important dates throughout the academic year. It serves as a guide for students, parents, teachers, and administrators to plan and coordinate various academic, extracurricular, and administrative activities. Here are the typical components of an academic calendar in  Our School:

Start and End Dates: The academic calendar specifies the start and end dates of the School year, including the first day of classes, the last day of classes, and any breaks between terms or semesters.

Semester or Term Dates: For Our School with a semester or trimester system, the academic calendar indicates the beginning and end dates of each semester or term, including midterm breaks and final exam periods.

Our School Holidays: The calendar includes public holidays, religious observances, and other non-instructional days when Our Our School are closed, such as national holidays, religious holidays, and professional development days for teachers.

Vacation Periods: Longer vacation periods, such as winter break, spring break, and summer vacation, are typically indicated in the academic calendar, along with their duration and any specific dates for Our School closure.

Exam Schedules: The calendar outlines the dates for midterm exams, final exams, and other standardized assessments, as well as any review periods or study days leading up to exams.

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Dates for parent-teacher conferences or other meetings between parents/guardians and teachers are usually included in the calendar to facilitate communication and collaboration.

Our School Events and Activities: Important Our School events, such as open houses, orientation sessions, back-to-school nights, sports tournaments, performances, and community service projects, are listed in the academic calendar.

Academic Deadlines: The calendar may include deadlines for submitting assignments, completing course registration, applying for scholarships or financial aid, and other academic requirements.

Special Programs or Initiatives: Dates for special programs, extracurricular activities, enrichment programs, guest lectures, field trips, and other educational initiatives may be included in the calendar.

Graduation Ceremonies: Dates for graduation ceremonies, senior prom, and other culminating events for graduating students are typically indicated in the academic calendar.

Our School Closures: In addition to holidays and vacations, the calendar may include information about Our School closures due to inclement weather, emergencies, or other unforeseen circumstances.

Important Reminders: The calendar may include reminders about Our School policies, academic regulations, health and safety protocols, and other important information for students and parents.

The academic calendar is usually distributed to students, parents, and staff members at the beginning of the Our School year or in advance of each academic term, allowing stakeholders to plan their schedules and stay informed about upcoming events and activities. It serves as a valuable tool for promoting organization, communication, and accountability within the Our School community.